Software / Games and Software AMIGA OS / OPERATION SIRIUS

05. Jan, 2025 | Author: Achim Kern  

Archive Achim Kern - Operation Sirius Amiga

Unfortunately, this version for Amiga OS 1.3 was never fully completed and was still slumbering in the depths of my hard drive...
It was actually supposed to be the sequel to Taran in Adventureland.

I have now put together a floppy disk package so that the version programmed so far can be played on a Win-UAE Amiga 500 with 2MB chip ram and DF1-DF3.
It was tested with an AMIGA 500 from Cloanto Amiga Forever. Have fun.

Good news - in 2024/25 as a fully retired and hard working man - made some progress...

Archive Achim Kern - download icon  Operation Sirius Amiga OS1.3 Amiga 500/1000/2000  (3 Disks)

OPS (df1:) = GAME      SIRIUS (df2:) = PICS      SIRIUS_1 (df3:) = SOUNDS                 

A new, revised version is already online for the Amiga emulators, e.g. Win-UAE with OS3.x and for Amiga OS4.1. Please check this link:

Adventure Game Operation Sirius

Operation Sirius is an adventure game that guarantees long-lasting fun.

The adventure begins in the office of the Imperial President.
The space pirates - a hostage of the galaxy - are causing more and more damage.
Now they have also kidnapped the council members.
Among them is Taran's father.

The mission is - find the pirates' secret base and free the council members.


Archive Achim Kern - Amiga Workbench 1.3            Archive Achim Kern - Amiga Ball                Archive Achim Kern - Amiga Computer Logo

