
06. Jan, 2025 | Author: Achim Kern 


Archive Achim Kern - software library gif Archive Achim Kern - floppy gif    

Surf at your leisure through my pages and download the provided software
to your favorite computer system and OS

To support my developments, I would appreciate donations via PayPal
forward for financing new projects.


Archive Achim Kern - raute gifGames and Software developed with HOLLYWOOD (all systems)
        AmigaOS3, MorphOS, WarpOS, AmigaOS4, AROS i386, Linux,
        Microsoft Windows. Mac OS (ab 10.4, PowerPC & Intel), Android, IPad2
Operation Sirius, Klix, Bageln, AceyDucey, Doors, SymbolRechnen,
Imbiss, CrossCrabTris, WinNet, Alaska-Kanada West per Wohnmobil,
Taran im Abenteuerland, USA Nationalparks West, PengoBrain, SpiderCave,
MarsTankAttack, Balloons, Mermaid Amica,  LCARS SmartHome, SmartSensor
Archive Achim Kern - raute gifGames and Software Android Systems
          Doors, SymbolRechnen 
Archive Achim Kern - raute gifGames and Software Apple Systems
          Alaska-Kanada West per Wohnmobil
Archive Achim Kern - raute gifMultimedia Travel Guides Windows
CD-ROM and disks
USA Nationalparks, Alaska-Kanada West per Wohnmobil
Archive Achim Kern - raute gifMultimedia Healthcare Guides Windows
Brochures about healthy weight loss, pills and medicines, prevention of winter illnesses
Archive Achim Kern - raute gifDatabases and Tools Windows
Dia-Archiv, PC-Dial, AutoStartManager
Archive Achim Kern - raute gifsGames and Software Windows
Klix, Knobel, Bageln, Fang die Maus, Acey Ducey 
Taran im Abenteuerland, Operation Sirius, Junior Schach, Amiga Emulator
Archive Achim Kern - raute gifGames and Software AMIGA OS
Plix, Symbolrechnen, Taran im Abenteuerland, Operation Sirius, Imbiss
Dia-Archiv, Dia-Steuerung
Archive Achim Kern - raute gifGames and Software SINCLAIR SPECTRUM
Starblaster, Spider, Seawolf, Zauberschloss, Operation Sirius